Meet Our Team

  • Dr Christiaan de Koning


  • Michael Collyer


  • Dr Sanja Brolih Founders Funders co-President University of Oxford Life Sciences Network

    Dr Sanja Brolih

    co-President University of Oxford Life Sciences Network

  • Jean-Christophe Spiliotis founders funders co-President University of Oxford Life Sciences Network

    Jean-Christophe Spiliotis

    co-President University of Oxford Life Sciences Network

  • Adam Norton-Steele

    co-President University of Oxford Life Sciences Network

  • Dr Elisabeth Duijnstee

    Blockchain Lead

  • Dr Giulia Pilla

    Life Sciences & Biotechnology Lead

  • Emanuel von Grolman

    Fintech Lead

  • Lillian Elsner

    Reproductive Health & Medtech Lead

  • Dr Ashwin Nandakumar

    Health & Data Lead

  • Brianna Bao

    Diversity Lead

  • Noi Omaboe

    African Ventures & Investment Lead

  • Dr James Coates

    Security & Govtech Lead

  • Dr Harold Grosjean

    Structural Biology & Pharma Lead

  • Jessie Jiang

    Sustainable Fashion & AI Lead

  • Dr Christopher Magazzeni

    Aerospace & Govtech Lead

  • Alaa Baazaoui

    Life Sciences & Healthcare Lead

  • Austin Hwang

    Automation Lead